Jochem Verrelst

Jochem Verrelst


Dr. Jochem Verrelst received the M.Sc. degree in tropical land use and in geo-information science both in 2005 and the Ph.D. in remote sensing in 2010 from Wageningen University, Wageningen, Netherlands. His dissertation focused on the spaceborne spectrodirectional estimation of forest properties. Since 2010, he moved to the Laboratory of Earth Observation (LEO), Image Processing Laboratory (IPL), University of Valencia, Spain. He has been involved in preparatory activities of ESA’s 8th Earth Explorer FLEX. His research interests include retrieval of vegetation properties using airborne and satellite optical (hyperspectral) data, canopy radiative transfer modelling and emulation, and hyperspectral data analysis. He is the founder of the ARTMO software package that brings together radiative transfer models and machine learning algorithms. In 2017 he received a H2020 ERC Starting Grant to work on the development of vegetation products based on synergy of FLEX and Sentinel-3 data. Since 2018, he is the vice-chair of the COST Action SENSECO that focuses on Optical synergies for spatiotemporal SENsing of Scalable ECOphysiological traits.

All sessions by Jochem Verrelst