Gottfried Mandlburger

TU Wien

Gottfried Mandlburger

TU Wien


Gottfried Mandlburger studied geodesy and geoinformation at TU Wien, where he also obtained his Ph.D. in 2006. He is currently working as senior scientist at TU Wien (Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation, Research Group Photogrammetry).
His research areas are topographic and bathymetric LiDAR, Multimedia photogrammetry, DTM modelling, and scientific software development. The current focus of his research is in bathymetry from active and passive optical remote sensing, which was deepened in the course of a research project at the University of Stuttgart (2017-2019). Beyond that, his specific interests are LiDAR sensor technology (linear-mode waveform, single photon lidar, and UAV-LiDAR) as well as hybrid active/passive sensor systems. Gottfried Mandlburger has published several articles in the above fields and acts as a reviewer and/or editorial board member for ISPRS Journal, PE&RS, TGRS, Remote Sensing, etc. He is chair of the working group hydrography/bathymetry of the German Association of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (DGPF) and coordinator of the LiDAR software suite OPALS
developed at the TU Wien.

All sessions by Gottfried Mandlburger