Pix4D – Leveraging LiDAR and photogrammetry for next-level mapping.

08 Jun 2022

Pix4D – Leveraging LiDAR and photogrammetry for next-level mapping.

Pix4D is pushing the limits of what is currently possible with its two products PIX4Dmatic and PIX4Dsurvey. PIX4Dmatic is capable of crunching 10,000 image datasets as well as merging terrestrial, aerial imagery and LiDAR. PIX4Dsurvey bridges the gap between photogrammetry and CAD, with automated vectorization features. The two are complemented by the free app PIX4Dcatch that uses the cameras and LiDAR sensors in the latest phones and tablets and uses them to acquire accurate data for creating 3D models – and when paired with the viDoc RTK rover (a GNSS rover mounted on iPhones or iPads), PIX4Dcatch gives accurate results to within 5 centimeters as well as single point measurements.